Reading Museum Town Hall

Reading Museum

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Goggles and veil

Fabric, metal and glass - late nineteenth century

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These goggles consist of a blue net fabric veil tied with fabric bands incorporating two glass eye pieces framed with metal. They were worn by a Dragoon in the 1882 Anglo-Egyptian War. The goggles probably protected his eyes from sand and bright sunlight.

Dragoons are light cavalry military units. Two British Dragoon regiments, the 4th and 7th Dragoon Guards, took part in the 1882 campaign in Egypt. British forces restored the Khedive of Egypt and Sudan to power after a coup and began a four-decade colonial occupation of Egypt.

Museum object number REDMG : 1998.56.405

See related topic: World Collection: Ornamentation

See related topic: World Collection: War and Hunting